interviews,  podcast

Tom interviewed on Radio 1

Last wednesday, Tom was interview during Joos, a show on Flemish Radio 1.

  • Tom tells the story about the artwork (again). He found the picture in a newspaper, cut it out and put in a cd-case on the piano in the studio. He hopes that people also wonder what these people are photographing when they buy the album. The picture is made by Matthew Oates, aka The butterfly man.
  • He writes his lyrics quite fast, but sometimes does not really know what exactly he’s writing about.
  • Keep You Close is the first album they really made together. Tom thinks it’s more fair towards the rest of the bands. He really likes that a lot of the songs are powered by Alan and Stéphane
  • About the recording with Greg Dulli: “a fantastic moment to see a man who means that much to me nail exactly what we wanted” (the Dulli-howl on Twice)
  • Playing the songs live before the release is the ultimate Pepsi-test. The 9 songs that are on the album are really working well during the rehearsals for the live-show
  • They are no longer making problems when the record company makes ‘weird’ single-choices (Keep You Close in France)
  • He is seriously considering quiting giving interviews.
  • He is looking forward to the new tour and the new live-show

You can listen to the interview (about 20 minutes) here.

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